Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hit up the driving range on my way home from work today.

The guy workin in the pro shop completely wrote me off due to my long hair, questioned that I had enough money on my debit card to be able to pay for the demo I was borrowing (just in case it broke while I was swinging it super duper hard), then proceeded to be the nicest guy in the world after he realized I wasn't a little rascal lookin' for trouble...

I guess you can't blame him for that.

You were right Mom, appearance does matter, I guess?

No worries, I'll just have to either try hard to come across as a trustworthy person, or cut the locks of love....

I'll stick with the nice approach...for now,


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chillin' Flowin' Laxin'

I know this internet sensation is a little old, however I don't believe in old news. In fact this is sort of like listening to "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield; I hated it in the summer of 2006 when it was way overplayed, but I just recently made it my ringtone and can't get enough. Just needed a little time on the bench, ya dig?

This vid should explain a lot...

Ya I still rock a little lettuce in the back,


p.s. sorry for the vid quality, for some reason it didn't embed well. don't feel like figuring it out so....sorry for partying?


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You Got Nursed

Well, considering the fact that this has generated some serious feedback in the past, I have decided to revert to old ways and continue with my skinny arm endeavors.

Just in case all of you men out there were wondering...

a) I believe they're single
b) Goldfish is the key to one of their hearts
c) MOB...and no that's not a derogatory abbreviation

This has potential to ruin' my chances, but it was well worth it,


p.s. I was thinkin' about it...and I believe this would be a more suitable theme song for my life...

...just an epic adventure...


Friday, July 16, 2010

Musik Shmusik

Not sure if this is just a random thought or if it makes sense, but theres only one way to find out.

Do you ever listen to a song by an artist and initially judge it because it's a genre you wouldn't normally listen to with the windows down driving past Winkie's on silver spring (or whatever main road is in your neighborhood where people will probably hear/see you)?

Well I will say that I have, however, I recently discovered that no one really cares who's driving because a) chances are there is a glare in the window of your car from a pedestrians point of view, or b) someone on the street is actually nodding there head to that song and enjoys your public sharing of such music.

No need for shame...

My personal summertime favorite would have to either be "February Song" by Josh Groban...or California Gurls by the one and only Miss Katy Perry feat. Snoop D-o-double G.

Who cares what genre happens to be playing. I listen to whatever floats my boat at any given time of the day. I may be in a storm, or it may be super duper long as my boats still floatin', that's all that matters.



p.s. I did purposely put quotes around Josh Groban's song to give it a more snooty appearance.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The "Skinny Arm"; a National Epidemic

The first post I did on the skinny arm really opened my eyes to a lot of things.

I was very hesitant to comment on a fashion pose or trend (or whatever you want to call it). I mean, I know who Perez Hilton is, and have heard of US Weekly, but I never thought I'd stoop to that level and comment on other peoples lifestyle decisions...sorry ladies.

Kinda funny how every time someone talks to me about this blog, the skinny arm is the only post that is ever mentioned. I must have really touched some hearts with this one.

Well I guess there's no turning back, if you've got a good pic send it my way. Maybe we can make this a movement. MAYBE it will drive this thing out of style.

One day, 5 years from now, everyone will look back at photos and say "haha remember when everyone used to pose like that in college."

On that day I will laugh, maybe cry...or just blog about the momentous occasion.

If life had theme music, this would be mine,



Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Ron Burgundy?

Regarding the previous Minnesota hate...
Consider this a formal apology to all of the Minnesotans who couldn't bear to discover the truth.
Don't worry, your feelings can be spared, no one reads this blog anyway.

The following is completely irrelevant but might help raise your spirits.
(Mo Stalle...there is swear in this sound bite, please forgive)

-William MacPherson Stallé

p.s. Sorry for the lack of summer flow...the steezfactor of this blog will once again rise from the ashes...yet another school year in Madtown is on the horizon.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Top Five Reasons Why WI > MN

1. You may have over a thousand lakes, but a) Lake Michigan carries a bigger stick, and b) Minnesota sucks.

2. You come to our turf...claim that you're better at hockey (which may or may not be true)...sit down at Denny's...and order a "pop"? Since when did we start replacing nouns with onomatopoeias?

3. It's a bubbler. If you think the small device attached to the wall usually near or around a bathroom or common area is a water fountain, you are either a) blind or b) confused...

...below is a visual demonstration that I hope is helpful.

Water Fountain:

4. The U of M a) has ugly school colors, b) loses in nearly every sport to UW, and c) even Minnesotans choose UW over U of M.

5. Evidence:




Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shred...White...and...Blue Horseshoe Loves Anacott Steel

If you haven't had the privilege of viewing one of the greatest movies of all time, let me take the time to open your eyes to the most influential piece of Hollywood film making.

A 1987 film dedicated to the true hustlers who basically determine the wealth of our nation; the boys of Wall Street. "Wall Street" is an epic tale of how conniving and powerful some brokers can be. The word hustle is basically synonymous with Gordon Gekko. You'll understand when you witness one of Charlie Sheen's greatest, and no...I'm not talking about his appearance in "Major Legue."

I gotta give my east coast connect some love for introducing me to yet another steeztastic movie.

I can only one day aspire to slick my hair back like Gekko and straight up hustle the street of wall.


p.s. Riley Hansen is ripped like Rambo...Chillin' Flowin' Laxin' like it ain't no thang. That's some true blood.
