Friday, April 30, 2010

Dave Z's Mifflin Report: Amateurs Need Not Apply

Coming to you live from the #1 Catholic Party School, it’s your friend and Mifflin enthusiast, Dave Zoltan. As seemingly one of the only students from my high school not to attend the fine university that is the University of Wisconsin, I have been able to reap all the party benefits of the school without the 25 minute walks to class. One of the weekends which I have been privileged enough to experience three (after this weekend four) times, is the Mifflin Street Block Party. For those of you out-of-towners or lame freshman, Mifflin is a day where getting wild during the sunlight hours is not only expected of you, it is the right thing to do. The week leading up to Mifflin weekend may be the longest and hardest some of you students study all year. Yet even with all the work you may or may not have finished, once Saturday comes, its time to take off your skirt... ...and catch some rays in honor of Saint Mifflin, college enthusiast and lover of good times. That may or may not be true, but I can honestly say I have great memories of each passing Mifflin. After my first Mifflin, which coincidentally landed on Cinco de Mayo, I thought times could not get any better. Year after year, good times turned to great times, and I can only imagine what on earth could possibly happen in year number four. Get ready folks. Drink up, be merry because the most American Day of the year is upon us.

Like I said, amateurs need not apply,


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