Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Awesome Shmawesome Possoms

As I sit here refreshing my "My UW" over and over waiting for the little blue box to turn into a green circle, my frustration with this University escalates from a calm blue to an interesting hue of red...if you catch my drift.

Something's wrong with this system. Every professor thinks its the other professors problem for not cooperating with when class is scheduled. Don't get me wrong, this school is great, but it might be biting off more than it can chew...too many classes leads to impossible class scheduling leads to "let's just let the young adults figure it out and we'll conveniently be there JUST in case they can't, and even then we may or may not be able to help."

I guess I'll just keep showing up to your class regardless of whether or not I should be there, maybe one of these times you'll put me on the list...

